Yum Extender FAQ


What does the package colors mean

  • red is an available update
  • green is an installed package
  • blue is an obsoleting package (a package replacing one/more packages)
  • black is an available package in a repository.

This is the default colors, they can be configured in the preferences.

How to select all updates

Click on the + in the header column to select/deselect all updates


How do it setup yumex, to not ask for password on start

run the follow as root, to create a PolicyKit rule to run DnfSystem dbus commands without asking for password

cat <<- EOF > /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/dnfdaemon-user.rules
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    if (action.id == "org.baseurl.DnfSystem" &&
        subject.active == true && subject.local == true &&
        subject.user == "USERNAME") {
            polkit.log(subject.user+" got access to run org.baseurl.DnfSystem");
            return polkit.Result.YES;

Replace USERNAME with your login username


This will also make other applications using the DnfSystem daemon run without asking for password when running as USERNAME


Yum Extender is already running

Yum Extender crashed and when you start it again, you get a dialog with the Yum Extender is already running message


If you press No then the already running Yum Extender window will be shown. If you press Yes then the already running Yum Extender window will closed, if possible.

Yum Extender uses 2 background dbus services, a notification icon service (look for a shield icon in you notification area) and DnfSystem services that is doing all the dnf related actions. If the gui is crashing, it might not be able to do a clean shutdown of these services. To clean up open a terminal windows and write the following command.

yumex-dnf --exit

It will try to shutdown these services and you should be able to start Yum Extender again.

Debug issues in Yum Extender

If you want to debug a problem in Yum Extender do the following.

  1. Open a terminal windows
  2. run : sudo /usr/share/dnfdaemon/dnfdaemon-system -v -d –notimeout
  3. Open another terminal window
  4. run : yumex-dnf -d

Now you will be able to see Tracebacks and debug information in the 2 windows

You can open an issue here for any problem found